More About the Author "albertfrank"

Author Nick: albertfrank

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Electrochemsitry in Chemical Engineering from

  Electrochemsitry In solid crystals such as NaCl, electrical charges are localized on those sites that form the lattice. These lattice sites are occupied not by neutral atoms, but by negatively charged chlorine or positively charged sodium ions and the crystal is held together by the columbic forces that exist between all electrically oppositely charged […]

Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer from

Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer The field of heat transfer explores the rate at which heat flows from a region of high temperature to one of low temperature. Heat flow occurs as molecules transfer their thermal energy, in the form of molecular motion, to nearby lower energy molecules or by fast moving molecules moving to another […]

Bernoulli’s Theorem in Chemical Engineering from

Bernoulli’s Theorem in Chemical Engineering Bernoulli’s Theorem in fluid dynamics is one of the important discoveries. The relation among pressure, velocity and elevation in a moving fluid, the compressibility and viscosity of which are negligible and the flow of which is steady or laminar. The Theorem was first derived in 1738 by Swiss mathematician Daniel […]

Bonus Shares Vs Stock Splits In Financial Management from

  Bonus Shares Vs Stock Splits In Financial Management Definition: Bonus Shares are those shares which are issued to shareholders’ by a healthy company without any cost. These Bonus Shares are issued in proportion to the existing shares a shareholder has as a result of capitalization of reserves. In the wake of a Bonus Issue: […]

Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Strategy from

For many years, community development goals or social responsibility were philanthropic activities that were seen as separate from business objectives. Doing well and doing good were seen as separate activities. But that thinking is changing. Organizations that are developing cutting-edge technology are considering social and environmental considerations in business strategy from the very beginning. There […]