More About the Author "chiefbrown"

Author Nick: chiefbrown
Name: Damon Werner
About the Author: I love to write about entertainment and music

Articles by chiefbrown :

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Backyard Barbecue Perfection

When you are truly hungry there’s nothing better than the grilling up a feast with your favorite ingredients. Barbecue is one of the tastiest ways to prepare food and it’s responsible for countless family memories. Preparing food on your barbecue is much more than throwing a bunch of meat over the flames, and if you […]

Working For Healthy Fast Weight Loss

It’s not always easy to lose weight and sometimes you might be tempted to take a shortcut down an unhealthy road. One of the most difficult things related to weight loss is finding that healthy balance between speed and effectiveness. It’s important to make a distinction between overall weight loss and losing fat because this […]

Thinking Twice About High Cholesterol Foods

A lot of people go for a long time without really thinking about the food that they eat. They make decisions based on hunger and convenience without thinking about their overall health. It’s very easy to take things for granted especially when it comes to your personal health. But rest assured, if you ever develop […]

A Review of a Great Portable Gas Grill

Barbecue is one of the best forms of cooking that you can share with your family, and your style really comes through in how you go about things. But no matter what your grilling preferences are, one thing is absolutely clear – need to start off with the right equipment. One thing people enjoy the […]

Is There Value in a Love Spell?

The majority of people don’t give much credit to love spells and many folks wouldn’t pursue them in any way. They consider them to be a huge joke and relate them to scams or something that you need to watch out for. This doesn’t change the fact that there is still a rather significant number […]