More About the Author "neverlightagain"

Author Nick: neverlightagain

Articles by neverlightagain :

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Tips On Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is a difficult decision to make for people who have been smoking for an extended period of time.  The main hurdle to overcome when quitting smoking is kicking the nicotine addiction which is why a lot of smokers really want to quit but find the process difficult. If you want to quit smoking […]

Ignore The No Smoking Sign With Electronic Cigarettes

Being a smoker in today’s society is becoming more difficult. Many public locations hold more restrictions on where you will be able to smoke. This has led many people to extreme measures in order to get their nicotine. There is a safe and legal way in which you can enjoy your cigarette in any location. […]

Can Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit?

Ask any smoker that has exhausted the ever growing sea of smoker’s cessation products if an electronic cigarette might help them quit and the answer is an exuberated yes! The controversy behind the electronic cigarette is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) believing that since there is liquid nicotine in electronic cigarettes and it is […]