Archive for the "Technology" Category


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High Performance Computing Clusters for a Competitive Advantage

Most businesses have a great amount of data, but do not have the capacity to successfully analyze it to solve the usual business challenges like to innovate new products faster, boost revenue, comply with industry regulations, etc. HPC has become a  cost-effective method that can be exceedingly beneficial for companies. It has not only become […]

Funny and cute iphone 4 case to make you trendy and protective

Anyone who shops for an iPhone should also buy a protected which is arriving with humorous and adorable look like cute iphone 4 case. iPhones are complex, quite costly interaction gadgets that are usually used substantially. As we all know, the more you manage something, the larger the opportunity for deterioration. That is necessary, as […]

Ensure Information Security with Effective Threat Management Solutions

Though technological advancements have helped enterprises to carry out their business operations easily and quickly, it has brought forth some challenges that enterprises face on a regular basis. If the threat landscape of enterprises is analyzed, it definitely shows that organizations today are in the middle of an ongoing war against external and internal threats. […]

Vendor Compliance Management – An essential component in Organization’s Safety Net

Today’s globalized business environment besides being technologically enabled is also a high-risk one wherein small errors can lead to severe consequences. Use of technological innovations alone does not help in reducing costs and improving an organization’s performance. The design, process, and technology must work in harmony to achieve good results. Irrespective of the industry sector, […]

Improve Retail Customer Experience with Effective Customer Interaction Services

Today the retail industry is undergoing massive transformation due to the advancements in the technology. The advent of the Internet and its paraphernalia has enabled consumers to re-shape their expectations. Long gone are the days when people visited brick and mortar stores to make retail purchases. Today consumers demand access to service through the channel […]