Archive for the "Resumes" Category

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How To Explain Gaps In Your Resume

In a lot of different scenarios, there is the likelihood of there being gaps in your resume. Periods of time when you have not held down actual employment which may just look strange in your resume. Employment gaps in resumes may indicate that a person was somehow unemployable for that period – either because of […]

Executive Job Search Advice – How To Write An Executive Job Resume

If you are not qualified up to the mark and just making resume will not mean that you will get a job. Simply designing a resume will not get you a job either nor will it open up doors or knock down obstacles in your path. Generally entry level or mid level resume’s is not longer than executive resumes. Everything in the resumes should have a specific career target and should show a specific caliber of whom you are and why you are valuable.

Designing Your Bschool Resume (2nd Part)

Should my resume have a summary/objectives section?

Tips on Making a Resume

Resume writing is the first step of a job hunter for getting the call for the interview. It is really a daunting task and your fate depends on how well you are presenting your personality. You can definitely increase the chances of selection in the particular job vacancy because fifty percent work is done if you get a call for interview. Job profile and curriculum vitae are also preferred for forwarding to the recruiter which proves to be effective and represent the entire personality of the person and it is a good way for short listing your name in the job openings.

Types of Resumes

A multitude of sites today are offering free sample resumes on the internet in addition to the avalanche of books that are released each year touting resume examples. With this kind of information overload it can be quite easy for the unsuspecting job seeker to become mired down in sample resumes, moving from one to the next in their pursuit of the ‘ultimate’ professional resume example that will land them the job of their dreams.