More About the Author "ANGELIA"

Author Nick: ANGELIA

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Looking for Mr. Green(Chapel 1)

Whatsoever thy hand fended to do, do it with thy might… Hard work? No, it wasn’t really so hard. He wasn’t used to walking and stair-climbing, but the physical difficulty of his new job was not what George Grebe felt most. He was delivering relief checks in the Negro district, and although he was a […]

Journalists are Professional Cynics

Journalists are professional cynics. If your mother says she loves you, we say: “Check it out.” Now we can, and so can you — for only $ 149.99! That’s the price of certainly in love and life, brought to you by Trustier, a new software program that purports to turn your PC into a lie […]

Quantity Theory of Money

One of the oldest, widely accepted functions of government is control over the supply of money. The dramatic effects of changes in the quantity of money on the level of prices and the volume of economic activity were recognized and thoroughly analyzed in the 18th century, and monetary economics has ever since constituted one of […]

The Problems that Water pollution Cause

Water pollution involves the release into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans of substances that become dissolved or suspended in the water or deposited upon the bottom and accumulate to the extent that they interfere with the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. It may also include the release of energy in the form of radioactivity or heat, […]

A Service is an Act of Labor or a Performance

A service is an act of labor or a performance that does not produce a tangible commodity and does not result in the customer’s ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. Thus, there are pure services that involve no tangible product (as with psychotherapy), tangible goods with […]