More About the Author "Abegail"

Author Nick: Abegail
Name: Abegail White
About the Author: Welcome! I'm a mom of four children ages four to fourteen and wife to a wonderful husband for 20+ years. It is my prayer that God would use the struggles and joys and normal day-to-day plodding along the journey of motherhood shared in this blog in a way that will bless those who read herein.

Articles by Abegail :

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Setting Up Your Cloth Diapering System with GroVia Diapers

These days, most mom and dad only ask one question when it comes to buying nappies for their little one: Pampers or Huggies? Luckily, there are other options! There is a growing group of mom and dad who are learning that there is an substitute to expensive (and wasteful) non reusable nappies. To some this […]