More About the Author "Bart Icles"

Author Nick: BartIcles
Name: Bart Icles

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Vertical Jump 101

Most athletes, especially those engaged in active sports, are always looking for ways to increase the height of their vertical jump. But before you can even hope to improve your vertical leap, it helps to learn more about what it is so you can develop the best ways of increasing the height of your jump. Vertical jump is basically the ability to raise your center of gravity higher than the floor and in the vertical plane, using your own muscles alone. Simply put, it is a measure of how high you can jump or elevate off the ground from a standing position.

Treating Angular Cheilitis

Having cracks at the corners of one’s mouth is so much more painful and uncomfortable compared to having dry or cracked lips. It’s very hard to eat and drink, talk and smile, and do many other physical and social activities every minute of the day. Suffering a case of Angular Cheilitis makes the victim a social outcast, as this appears to have the symptoms of some form of contagious mouth or skin disease that most people are afraid to be in near proximity with. This is where and how the condition stands in our society today, and treating it promptly and correctly is the first priority of anyone unfortunate enough to be afflicted with it.