More About the Author "BeckyHndrs"

Author Nick: BeckyHndrs
Name: Rebecca Henderson

Articles by BeckyHndrs :

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Israel is Now Closer Than Before

The Jews , as you may know, are people who care a lot about their families and they put them on top of the society’s pyramid. All the holidays that these people celebrate, look pretty much the same. They need all the family to be together. This shows very clearly the important role the family […]

Croatia – The Pearl in the European Tourism

The place where all the rich and famous people go these days, where all the tourists and all the big events are is Croatia. The history of this country is very old. It is a combination between eastern and western civilization. As a tourist destination it offers literally everything. You can go climb a peak […]

The New Law in Israel

The latest news from Israel are that the authorities are ready to pass a law that allows the people to choose their religion. This step is a huge thing, especially for a country like Israel, where the people are pretty religious and they do not try to popularise their religion, like the others, because they […]

The Other Way of Life

What is the whole sense of our life? What we have to do in our lives, in order to answer properly to the expectations? Can we feel comfortable in our skin when knowing that there is still something dedicated to us to do and we still cannot find it? Let me give you some examples […]

Learn Jews Language in Israel

When you want to communicate easy with more people, you should try to learn more foreign languages. If in the past one language was enough, today with the capabilities and the opportunities that the internet gives, 2 is just too small number. Most young people, who live in the developed countries, speak English and at […]