More About the Author "Clearpath Technology"

Author Nick: Clearpath
Name: Clearpath Technology

Articles by Clearpath Technology :

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Affiliate Marketing

Imagine for a second that Mandy has a moderately successful online business. Her business is doing okay, but she wishes she could bring in more business and more sales. Mandy would like to expand, get bigger office space, and perhaps even some additional storage space for her shipping needs, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have the […]

Why is Page Rank Important?

The importance of search engines cannot be emphasized enough. Search engines offer websites an opportunity to reach a large, global audience. Without search engines, any webmaster might find getting more visitors difficult. If search engines only directed a small amount of web traffic, though, search engine marketing might be less important, but search engines direct […]

Using Keywords: Effective Writing

One of the most basic but difficult writing tasks is writing with keywords in mind. The writer will be using these keywords over and over again, so his or her first task becomes to pick the keywords. There are several criteria which websites can use to pick keywords. • First, what is the general subject […]

What are the Issues of SEO?

The advantage of SEO is increased page rank and more visitors to a site. The issues that are associated with SEO are generally related to unscrupulous businesses that aim to take people’s money and promise much more in return than they can actually offer. One challenge with SEO is the fine line between search engine […]

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is the whole range of marketing and advertising techniques a website will use to improve their ranking within search engines. This is not one practice or set of steps, but can include several different marketing techniques. The most important element of any website’s SEM is effective SEO. Other techniques within […]