More About the Author "JHoward"

Author Nick: JHoward
Name: Julienne Howard
About the Author: Julienne Howard specializes in providing helpful information regarding long term care insurance and other senior care services that can give elderly people a comfortable life in the future.

Articles by JHoward :

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Pains of Long Term Care Insurance Premiums

No one can offer you a long term care (LTC) plan that is capable of providing what long term care insurance policies can. Although these products are ideal to have, long term care insurance premiums are not cheap so it is definitely necessary to allot a budget for your policy’s annual premium. Comprehensive long term […]

Helpful LTCI Resources

Planning one’s long term care entails gathering long term care insurance resources from different insurance companies. Doing this will allow you to weigh your options and you will realize that despite marketing the same products, each of these companies have some uniqueness to boast. As a planner myself, I know the importance of owning a […]

Why Baby Boomers Need Long Term Care Insurance

Baby boomers should stop comparing the present to past events. They wonder why the government and healthcare professionals are encouraging long term care insurance for baby boomers when the fact is that their ancestors got along old age fine without it. Their ancestors got along fine without long term care insurance (LTCI) because they did […]

Surviving it all with a Nurse Navigator

Doctors are born to tell all their patients the truth about their health conditions and to find ways to cure them. Meanwhile, a nurse navigator does what a doctor cannot offer the patient – that is to accompany him or her as she journeys through her sickness. When we say sickness we’re not pertaining to […]

Prescription Discounts Matter These Days

So many senior citizens take advantage of prescription discounts that are offered in every brick and mortar drugstore and online pharmacy because medicines, regardless of what size and form these take, are so expensive these days. Big stores in the country are constantly offering discounts cards and gift cards for prescription drugs, which definitely help […]