More About the Author "JamesBecksdale"

Author Nick: JamesBecksdale

Articles by JamesBecksdale :

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How the increase in Technology in schools can help your child

As the world seems to be moving at such a fast past it seems that everything else is moving with it. The rise of the internet has happened in recent years and of course technology. It seems everybody these days has easy access to the internet or a smart phone with instant access. This is […]

Getting Students Involved with Student Response Systems in the classroom

One of the biggest hurdles teachers face when teaching in schools and universities is being able to keep all students to the same level of achievement and to push them further to succeed. One of the most notable ways to see this is by getting students involved and getting them to answer to questions posed […]

Educational technology essential in equipping children for their future

Both teaching and learning are being transformed by innovations which are allowing more technology to be used in everyday school lessons. A new phenomenon, of ‘connected learning’, is emerging, which is demanding that pupils and students in senior school and upwards, right to university, have greater technological know-how in order to be able to participate […]

Bring Lessons to Life with an Interactive Whiteboard

The biggest cause of classroom disruption is pupils who find their lessons boring. It could simply be that the subject matter does not interest them, but equally they might find that the teacher’s methods make them switch off. With so much to be learned before they take their exams, and especially as so much now […]

Physiotherapy Sessions Can Get You Back On The Field

One of the most popular sporting activities in the country is five-a-side football and this sport provides a great cardiovascular workout for those who play it. It is a fast, fun and intense workout that by its very nature throws up lots of potential for injury – but this can be minimised by a thorough […]