More About the Author "JamieLovesBargains"

Author Nick: JamieLovesBargains
Name: Jamie Patton
About the Author: My Name is Jamie and I'm a Bargain Junkie. I love writing about anything bargains.

Articles by JamieLovesBargains :

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4 Great Wholesale Shopping Sites

Buying in bulk is one of the most popular ways to save money on purchases when shopping online. For small businesses and even individual shoppers, there are several trusted wholesale shopping resources for you to choose from.  You just need to know where to go.  I have gathered 3 great online shopping sites that offer […]

The Best Advantages of Shopping on the Internet

Shopping online remains to be popular as the years go by.  More and more people than ever before are on their computers browsing shopping sites and making purchases.  There are lots of reasons why so many prefer online shopping as compared to in-store.  This article will explain a few of the main reasons why people […]

Beginners Guide: Using Coupon Codes and Coupon Activation Links

In our economy today, many people are looking to save money any way they can. More and more people are turning to the internet to make purchases because of all the good deals available only online.  For new online shoppers it can be confusing at first trying to find out how everything works and also […]

Save Money using Coupons and Coupon Codes

Because of today’s poor economy, coupons are used much more than they used to be.  More people than ever before are trying to get a handle on spending and trying to save money every way possible. One of the best ways to cut spending on your purchases is by using coupons and coupon codes.  We […]