More About the Author "RobertSiciliano"

Author Nick: RobertSiciliano
Name: Robert Siciliano
About the Author: ROBERT SICILIANO, CEO of is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering Americans so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. His “tell it like it is” style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders to get the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace. Siciliano is accessible, real, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment at a moment’s notice on breaking news.

Articles by RobertSiciliano :

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Home Security Cameras Keep Contractors Honest

I’m in Mexico, but by the time this is posted I’ll be manning the watch tower at my fort. While I want to detail every adventure and post it as a status update (this country is very interesting), I haven’t, and I’ll never post in social media, that’s just plain nuts. So anyways, while I’m […]

Dumb Pizza Burglar Stuck In Vent

Oh the beauty of stupidity. Not a day goes by that some dolt breaks the law and makes himself look like a total buffoon. This burglar decided to break into a pizza parlor through an exit: the smoke vent. If you’ve ever walked behind a strip mall where there is a restaurant you know which […]

Springtime Home Improvement Scams Coming

This is the time of the year they come out of the woodwork. Scammers knocking door to door with promises of quality work for exceptionally low prices. The scams often include driveway repaving, chimney repairs, ductwork cleaning, and roofing scams. Toss a criminal handy man in there and you end up missing a jewelry box […]

Spyware A Major Identity Theft Threat

Spyware is sold legally in the United States. This software records chats, emails, browsing history, usernames, passwords, and basically everything a person does on that PC. Some spyware programs can record everything in a video file, which can then be accessed remotely. This is all perfectly legal as long as the PC’s owner installs the […]

Home Invader Claims Insanity Defense

Certainly when someone hacks another person to death it is safe to say something is very wrong with them. In criminal trials, Wikipedia defines “the insanity defenses are possible defenses by excuse, an affirmative defense by which defendants argue that they should not be held criminally liable for breaking the law because they were legally […]