More About the Author "Robinson"

Author Nick: Robinson
Name: Robinson k
About the Author: Origins of Cerebral Palsy is the comprehensive source for information on causes and treatment of cerebral palsy.

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Getting Cerebral Palsy Due To Infections in Mother During Pregnancy

It can be quite frightening for a mother to come down with the flu and know that her baby may be at risk of developing a possibly devastating health challenge. Thankfully, if you come down with some sort of infection, it can possibly be treated. Some maternal infections can be prevented. The 3 Infections that […]

How Brain Infections Lead to Cerebral Palsy

Brain injury or infections that take place during the development of the growing foetus or newborn can lead to cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy or CP is an umbrella term that covers a category of non-contagious, non-progressive motor conditions that leads to physical disability in the development of a human being, mainly in the various parts […]

Special Education For Kids With Cerebral Palsy

Most parents remember their kid’s very first day at school; which happens to be a bittersweet period that is both thrilling and terrifying for both parent and child. It is natural for parents to wonder if teachers will be very supportive and kind as they (the parents) are aware that teachers should be. Parents who […]

How to Improve Daily Activities with Therapies and Other Treatments

Cerebral palsy is a condition that cannot be cured, but with good treatments and therapies, it can help improve a child’s capabilities. As a matter of fact, the improvement due to medical research means that a lot of cerebral palsy patients have the opportunity of enjoying almost-normal lives – that is, if their neurological problems […]

How Damage To The Motor Control Centers Of The Developing Brain Leads To Cerebral Palsy

A child may end up suffering from cerebral palsy because he or she suffered a stroke. When one hears the word “stroke”, it is natural to envision an older individual who collapses on the ground. Then, tries to combat a variety of physical challenges and slurs his or her speech for the rest of their […]