More About the Author "SAP64"

Author Nick: SAP64

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LED light bars, the future of emergency vehicle lighting.

Long gone are the days when you would see a single rotating strobe light on any kind of police or fire vehicle. In today’s world, first responders need much more from their vehicle lighting and LED light bars are the best choice. Most of us have seen LED light bars, although we probably didn’t actually […]

An emergency light is essential for all first response vehicles

Emergency light can mean several things. It can be a light in a building that is lit when there is a main power outage. Emergency lighting can be something that comes on when a fire or burglar alarm is activated. The most important Emergency light is likely to be on first response vehicles and the […]

In an emergency situation you will normally hear a police siren

When you think of priority calls being responded to you immediately think police siren and flashing lights. It isn’t always the case that you will hear a siren or indeed see the lights. There are some situations when police even in response to an emergency call will not use the police siren or any of […]

The use of light bars is on the increase and with very good reason.

The importance of lighting on any first response or emergency vehicle often is overlooked. Light bars are probably the single most important piece of kit on a vehicle. It’s probably fair to say that there is far more thought and due consideration in choosing life saving equipment for ambulances or fire trucks than there is […]

Emergency police lights and sirens are the information givers on the vehicles.

We see our police everywhere and that is a comforting and good thing. Emergency police situations need several things, high visibility and the audible warnings from sirens and PA systems. Emergency police incidents will all have several things in common, regardless of what state you are in. All situations requiring the presence of police officers […]