More About the Author "SimonCorall"

Author Nick: SimonCorall
Name: Simon Corall
About the Author: Simon Corall is a financial expert and has authored several articles on diverse aspects of the financial market. He offers advice on relevant topics such as cheque cashing service.

Articles by SimonCorall :

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Find Out the Value of your Scrap Gold

Those unused pendants, broken pieces of jewellery may have been lying in your closet for long. Now it is necessary to determine their price. It would really act to your advantage, if you can figure out the worth of the scrap gold that has been lying around for quite a while now, before you visit […]

The Fluctuating Nature of the Foreign Currency Market

The foreign exchange rates keep on fluctuating. The rate volatility can have a major impact on businesses that conduct their trade globally. Such organisations, therefore, need to be additionally careful so that they can face these unforeseen circumstances and emerge out of them successfully. The fluctuations seem to affect the cash flow of businesses and […]

Different Approaches to the Sale of Jewellery

It is known for a fact that jewellery, once it is off from the showroom floor, depreciates in its value. Therefore, if you are planning to sell your jewellery, then you should not expect the same amount as you have spent while buying it. Again, the hassles and time involved in such dealings often outweighs […]

Foreign Currency Exchange Basics

When it comes to currency exchange rates, these are applicable when the currency of a particular country is exchanged with that of another. For example, if you are in USA for a vacation, then you need to pay for your accommodation, meals and travel expenses in US Dollars. In that case, you have to sell […]

Factors that you should take into Account Prior to Selling Gold Jewellery

With gold prices soaring than never before, it is not quite surprising to come across people who are willing to part with their old trinkets and neckpieces for hard cash. When it comes to selling gold jewellery there are different parameters that are taken into consideration. So before you put up your grandmother’s gold locket […]