More About the Author "Tony Garrudo"

Author Nick: TonyGarrudo
Name: Tony Garrudo

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Personal Injury Attorneys and Their Qualifications

The practice area of a Personal Injury Attorney (PI Attorney) includes giving legal counsel to those with physical or psychological injuries suffered because of the negligence of an individual, a business or a government organization. “Tort law,” which is better known as injury law, is their area of expertise. Tort law encompasses injury (whether monetary or otherwise) to a person’s physical body, their rights, their good name, their personal property, or their business. Although personal injury attorneys generally only practice in the area of injury, they are nonetheless fully educated and certified the same way other lawyers are. Medical malpractice is a frequent cause for a lawsuit, as are slip-and-fall injuries, car collisions and injuries from malfunctioning products.

The Difference Between Personal Injury Law and Other Types of Law Practice

Personal injury (PI) practice differs from other law practice mainly because of financial requirements. In this kind of law practice, a lawyer have to spend his or her time and money getting the case ready for settlement or trial; then gets paid in a year or two, if the lawyer wins the case. Lawyers don’t necessarily get paid for all the time that they spend in the cases and have to do a lot of work. A PI lawyer usually needs to hire doctors, engineers, accident reconstruction experts, and other professionals needed to analyze critical issues and testify in court.