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Act Machines – Desktop CNC Router

There are many power tools and machines you can invest in that can make doing any work so much easier and CNC controlled machines are one popular example that can automate jobs making them cost saving in labor costs. CNC machines are programmed on their built in computers and operate according to what instructions have […]

ACT Machines – Desktop CNC Machines

It is not necessary to send your projects away to engineering firms because you do not have a CNC machine of your own if you invest in quality desktop CNC machines now available from ACT Machines. If you have arrived at our website while looking for desktop CNC machines we have the latest and best […]

ACT Machines – Desktop CNC Machine

You will find the new model DMC -3 desktop CNC the perfect choice for your workshop or if you are an inventor for prototyping requirements. For classic car re-builders this desktop CNC machine is also excellent for when you need to manufacture parts that are no longer available on the market. Perhaps you have discovered […]

Act Machines – Desktop CNC

Small engineering firms and workshops cannot afford the large capital outlay to invest in industrial size CNC machines, and they do not need to either. The new model DMC 3 desktop CNC model is a perfect solution if you do a lot of milling and cutting, or shaping of metals, and materials in your engineering […]