More About the Author "adambax736"

Author Nick: adambax736
Name: dom nak
About the Author: i used to smoke but now i just inhale vapour from my handy electronic cigarette, i hope you do too. dont be scared homie

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What are the new features of the kindle 3 from Amazon?

Apart from the visual appearance, which this specific reading device provides lots of, the brand-new model Kindle will also be packed with extraordinary practical functionality. Their styling is literally exceptional as well, being previously flushed away from just about any weak points the original rendition sustained. This kind of manufacturing marvel has been packed straight […]

Christmas stocking fillers for Kindle owners

With the Holidays incoming, it’s that time of year once again to try and find good gifts to give to people, or maybe even to give yourself. If you own a Kindle e-book reader, then that’s an obvious choice. But books are expensive, even e-books, often costing $15 each or more. So how can you […]

What to get iPad owners for Christmas

With the Holidays coming, it’s that time of year when you start wondering what to get everyone. Should you go for a watch, a pair of sock, you know how much these things are reviled. Instead, one item that always goes well is a book. But now, many people have iPads, and they read books […]