More About the Author "aditirawat"

Author Nick: aditirawat
Name: Aditi Rawat
About the Author: is a product of MMI Online Ltd which is a strategic online division from the house of Jagran Prakashan, India's Leading Media conglomerate. is the only complete health and lifestyle website in India that you can term truly yours.

Articles by aditirawat :

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What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common problem in women age of childbearing or fertile. Some of the people believe that women suffering from this problem could not get pregnant. It is not completely true because a woman having PCOS problem faces difficulties in getting pregnant. Thus, chances of getting pregnant with PCOS are […]

How to Date a Co-Worker

Dating a co-worker is though common thing nowadays as we spend more than 12 hours in offices. The fact the percentage of people falling in love while working together is very high. The problem is that for many How to date a co-worker is a big question as many things are connected while you are […]

Health Care for Pregnancy Week by Week

Pregnancy is the most awaited period for women when she conceives a baby. The entire pregnancy journey undergoes with pregnancy week by week and trimesters. Each pregnancy week brings some changes in mother body and developments in child organs. The complete journey of the child undergoes the 9 months and 37-42 weeks of completion. There […]

Third Trimester of Pregnancy

The comfortable period is gone and now comes the most challenging phase of pregnancy. This pregnancy trimester is extended from the 28th week to the 42nd week and ends up with the birth of baby. The third trimester of pregnancy is both, emotionally and physically challenging for the mother. Moving around becomes difficult both for […]

How to Improve Dating Skills

Dating is taking another person out, finding out about them in all different kinds of situations, and seeing if they’re compatible with you. Dating and relationship if done with proper care can be really rewarding and can give you real happiness. But many are found to unable in making proper dating as they have very […]