More About the Author "aditirawat"

Author Nick: aditirawat
Name: Aditi Rawat
About the Author: is a product of MMI Online Ltd which is a strategic online division from the house of Jagran Prakashan, India's Leading Media conglomerate. is the only complete health and lifestyle website in India that you can term truly yours.

Articles by aditirawat :

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Kidney Related Problems and their Solves with Ayurveda

Ayurveda is that treatment which can make you stay healthy and active for days. This has the complete curing power from many fatal diseases. One of them is obviously problems related to kidney. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is the best as this does not have any side effects where as the steroids or antibiotics […]

Ayurvedic Treatment and Home Remedies for Piles

Piles or hemorrhoid is the chronic condition for humans as they experience unavoidable and intolerable pain in their rectum or anus.  It is the condition when bluish colored swellings take place either inside or outside of the anus. Both conditions are chronic and painful which grows further and resulted into incurable disease if untreated or […]

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss in Women

Women often experience the hair fall condition prematurely. Hair loss or hair fall condition is more chronic condition for the women as beauty factor is very imperative for women. Hair loss is called alopecia in medical term and lead to the baldness if untreated timely. Most of the people consider ayurvedic treatment for hair loss […]

Ayurvedic Treatment for Irregular Periods

Menstruation period is the monthly discharge of blood from the vagina of women. It is the quite natural process which starts from the age of 14-15 of girls due to hormonal changes. Moreover, it is very vital stage for the women because of the pregnancy factor.  It is monthly issue in girls so they have […]

Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes (Madhumeha) is the metabolic disorder to produce enough insulin to absorb the produced glucose. It is considered as the inability of the immune system to utilize the glucose of the body to generate energy. It could be more chronic if left untreated. Thus, it is highly recommended to diagnose the condition of diabetes and […]