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Name: Susan Sherman
About the Author: Homes Are Sealed - Radon levels go up in the winter because people close up their homes to keep out the cold.

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Lower Your ComEd Electric Bill Through Electricity Deregulation

Does your ComEd electric bill seem to be more and more expensive each month? Energy bills can be much, much higher than we’d like, particularly in big homes or poorly insulated houses. We’re all aware of the many small changes that can lower your IL electric bill, including using compact fluorescent light bulbs, sealing cracks […]

File For Unemployment Benefits With Ease At Your PA Unemployment Office

Sadly, with the downturn in the economy, there is a drastic increase in the number of people who are filing for unemployment benefits. However, you should know a few things before you visit your PA Unemployment Office, so you are more prepared for the process, the paperwork and the requirements. Filing for your unemployment benefits […]

Pro Plumbers In Palo Alto Innovative Plumbing And Rooting

When it comes to gas and water problems in the house, we all do our best to attempt to fix things ourselves. However, we don’t always succeed as some jobs require specialist attributes, which only a fully trained plumber can bring to the table. It’s always a good idea to have a look at the […]

SWAT Radon Reduction – Radon Gas Issues During the Winter Months – Is Your Family at Risk?

Winter brings families closer as they spend more time indoors together, but that indoor time can lead to a significant increase in dangerous radon gas exposure. Testing your home for radon gas during the winter is an important part of keeping your family safe. The lack of airflow and increased time indoors that many families […]