More About the Author "beamalife"

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Check where you are putting your money!

How much does a person research while buying their car or a home? They probably spend hours debating over each model and make, comparing features and talking about it to every person they possibly run into. It is because they want to buy the best only and want to put their money only where it […]

Life insurance for Babies : Baby Power!

Is it ever too early to start on creating a better and safe future for your kids? No. The earlier one starts planning or saving for their child’s future, the better it is. Once you do this, they grow up to be independent adults who are free to chase their own dreams, without being encumbered […]

Why Whole life insurance is a whole lot better?

Most financial experts reckon insurance to be an important part of sound financial planning. It is a real important measure one should take especially if you are the sole bread-winner of the family, and their finances are heavily dependent on you. Insurance ensures that they are not left high and dry in times of need. […]

Over Fifty and Over the Moon

Retirement years also called the Twilight years in a person’s life are supposed to be a time of indulgence and joy. Having spent the best part of your life working, saving, putting your kids through college, it is the time to have fun and indulge in those activities that you had to give up, thanks […]

Insure your Family

The basis for any life insurance plan generally is age, assets or health. Most people insure income for their loved ones in case any ill befalls them and they are left high and dry. Sometimes people with a lot of assets also choose to insure their property, to keep it safe and financially sound before […]