More About the Author "bobydarling"

Author Nick: bobydarling
Name: boby darling
About the Author: find there CNA Jobs's & certification ..!

Articles by bobydarling :

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Heart Attack Symptoms for Women – No Chest Pain?

You notice that Mom just doesn’t look right and you ask her if she’s ok. “I’m just tired, that’s all, it’s no big deal.” You sit and talk with her for a little while longer. She looks a little pale and starts to have trouble breathing. “I just haven’t been sleeping well. I’m fine, don’t […]

Heart Attacks – Half of All Deaths Occur Outside the Hospital

According to a new study by Dr. Henry Ting of the Mayo Clinic, heart attack sufferers are not receiving the treatment they need and they are dying because of it. Unfortunately, the problem is not the lack of care provided, but the time people wait to call for it. Heart disease is the leading cause […]

CPR Steps To Success

CPR steps are not only easy to follow but classes are available everywhere from your local medical center to online. Yet few people have achieved their CPR certification. Why? What would you do if someone collapsed in front of you? If they suffered a cardiac arrest and you were the only person nearby wouldn’t you […]

Online CPR Certification – It’s A Case Of Life and Death!

Online CPR certification could mean the difference between life and death. Did you know that recent statistics show that more people die every three days from cardiac arrest than the total that died in the tragedy that was 9-11. If you passed your CPR test you could save a life! Why not at least check […]

CPR Classes To Be Introduced Into Schools

The American Heart Association has suggested that all school children learn CPR at school. This is an excellent idea but it also highlights the lack of people sitting their CPR certification. Classes will help educate these students and who knows they may even save a life afterwards. Why are cardiac arrests so dangerous? They are […]