More About the Author "bruce01"

Author Nick: bruce01
Name: Bruce Markey
About the Author: I am a freelance writer and I write on a variety of topics.

Articles by bruce01 :

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Organize Your Life by Following a Proper Time Management Plan

Procrastination is a common problem and we all feel lazy at some time or the other to do certain tasks. Procrastination leads to delay in work and repentance for not utilizing our time properly. To beat procrastination, it is important to create a time management plan that has been designed to help you manage your […]

Learn Strategies for Time Management to Plan and Schedule Your Work

Time management is the way of managing important responsibilities, work, and life in a balanced manner. Not knowing how to balance personal and professional life can make us less productive, stressed, and decrease our energy level. Many people undergo stress and anxiety both at home and workplace and one of the main reasons being not […]

Learn Effective Time Management Skills and Strategies

We all know that an evil mind is a devil’s workshop, where evil thoughts creep in and make us feel sad and frustrated. We don’t learn to value time unless we are in serious need of it. For e.g. Students feel bad for wasting their time during exams and not utilizing their time to study. […]

Implement Effective Anger Management Techniques in the Life of Your Child

Does your child get angry very often? Are you looking for effective anger management techniques to help you teach your child ways to manage anger? Parents should identify anger symptoms in their child and look for effective treatment at an early age to avoid making it a serious problem. There are children who express their […]

Effective Time Management Skills Help You Run Your Business Smoothly

Do you own a business but often get frustrated for not achieving your goals and targets on time? Do you wish for having more time in day? Are you aware that learning effective time management skills can help you overcome these problems? Effective time management skills help you manage your personal and professional life in […]