More About the Author "burnerbooks"

Author Nick: burnerbooks
Name: Kim Burner
About the Author: Burner Christian bookstore is an online bookstore specializing in books and Best Christian studies for women. Burner Christian Bookstore's mission is to preserve and promote the Bible by providing excellent service. We specialize only in KJV Bibles and books with a focus on Women.

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Christian Books for better knowledge

There are a lot of Christian books available nowadays. If Christian literature is new to you, you can search a little bit for some of the most popular titles. The purpose of Christian living books is to help in knowing more about Jesus and how to live a Christ centered life. Christian books also aid […]

Best Christian studies for all

Christian books are highly popular. It is widely available in bookstores that cover a everything including: increasing your faith, strengthening your marriage, improving relationships with your children and serving God. But, the main purpose of Christian books is to help Christians know more about Jesus and how to live a Christ centered life. These books […]