More About the Author "chaman89"

Author Nick: chaman89
Name: chaman goyal
About the Author: My name is Chaman Goyal and I am a Designer, Developer and webite promoter. I enjoy landscape and architectural, photography, website design and blogging.

Articles by chaman89 :

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Company Law Services are on the Way with Patent, Trademark and Company Registration

Company law services are in the high demand by the different corporate sectors of the economy. In India there are many law firms offering types of legal services at the different corporate levels. Patent registration, company registration, trademark registration and brand registration are some of the most common company law services that always remain in […]

Want to Register Your Company, Patent and Trademark ??

The Patent system of India is primarily governed by the Patents act, 1970 and has been effective since 20th April 1972. The patent application drafting office has been established to administer different provisions of the patent filing and law relating to grants of patents and registration of trademark and industrial designs. Basically, there are three […]

Law Elements for Opening New Company – Its Company Registration,TM,Patent

Rise of globalization and privatization both have compelled the corporate sector to think from both side that is saving and investment. For developing countries it really worth our for the society. Like in India, where privatization has newly entered to expand its branches in various departments. So, corporate law firms of India believes in offering […]

About Company Law Services In India – Trademark , Patent And Company Registration

Now days law firms are in the high demand as due to increase of competition among the various companies in the corporate world. Every one wants to earn more as compared to their competitors, this type of mentality raises the demand of law services. Different law firms have their different criteria and procedure to handle […]

Legal Services for Your Company as Registration, Incorporation and Formation

In the competitive world, to establish a company in India and around the world, company registration is the key point of any business. To grow a company in India, you should spend a lot of time thinking about how can ensure your company’s viability and growth. To registration of a company in India the first […]