More About the Author "CrisRobertson"

Author Nick: CrisRobertson
Name: Cris Robertson
About the Author: Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

Articles by CrisRobertson :

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Five Auto Insurance Discounts You Could Be Getting

Auto insurance is one of those major monthly expenses that can put a gaping hole in your budget, but there are ways to reduce your car insurance premiums. The television ads for cheap automobile insurance for various companies have made a few of those discounts pretty well known: safe driver discounts and multiple car discounts, […]

How to Become a Better Travel Photographer

Those stunning pictures in travel brochures don’t just happen by themselves. Every photo of the Taj Mahal or of penguins on ice floes in the Antarctic or lions in the Serengeti was taken by a travel photographer. The stunning images of stucco cottages washed with sunset fire or the close-up of a clownfish with streaks […]

Can You Deduct Office Furniture, Office Supplies and Printing Services on Your Taxes?

If you run a small business or your own home business, the office furniture, office supplies & printing services you purchase for business use can reduce your taxable income. In general, if you make a purchase for business use, you can deduct it as a business expense on your taxes. If you’re just getting around […]

Tips for Becoming a Travel Photographer

At some time or another, every photography buff dreams of becoming a travel photographer. It’s the ideal job for the person who dreams of traveling the world in search of interesting and beautiful things to photograph – and getting paid to do it. The money isn’t terrific – a salaried travel photographer generally makes less […]

Why Just Look Like a Model? Become a Model!

You’ve probably heard the television ad for a famous modeling school that tell you that you can become a model, or just look like one. Here’s a big secret about the modeling industry – you don’t have to look like a model to become one. In fact, if you ask some of the biggest names […]