More About the Author "CristianStan"

Author Nick: CristianStan
About the Author: Find the best pressure washers and top dishwashers reviews on Squidoo.

Articles by CristianStan :

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Conception issues and Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are so common that most women aren’t even aware that they have them until it effects conception, or becomes so painful that they go in to see the doctor. For most ovarian cysts, a few months will take care of them with no hardship to the woman, except maybe a little bit of […]

Common Types of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are actually quite common in females as they are the beginning stage of the menstrual cycle. These cysts are more commonly known as follicles and are the proponents that create and release estrogen and progesterone which is required during the menstrual cycle for the egg to be released. Once the egg is released […]

The Eye Health of Dogs

Certain dog breeds tend to get more eye injuries than others. Other health problems can also aggravate eye issues and may need treatment before affecting your dog’s eyesight. A common eye problem in dogs is conjunctivitis. If your dog shows red, swollen or weepy eyes, this needs to be checked out by a veterinarian immediately […]

What You Need To Know About Dog Prostate Cancer

If you own a male dog for a pet, something you should be aware of is that he can develop prostate cancer, just as a human male can. A tumor or growth in the prostate is the reason behind most prostate gland issues in male dogs. There are signs and symptoms that will help alert […]

Causes of Bloody Stools in Dogs

There are two causes of bloody stools in dogs. Melena is the blood that a dog has digested. It appears as a dark color. Hematochezia is thought to be fresh blood appearing in the stool. This is a more minor issue than melena. To diagnosis the true cause of a bloody stool in your dog, […]