More About the Author "damonieheal"

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Name: Damo Nieheal

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Miami Locksmith Home & Car Helping Keep Miami Safe

Miami Locksmith Home & Car 24 Hour service is a service for the entire greater Miami area. Needing a locksmith is often an emergency situation, but sometimes just a change of locks is needed, like when the rental is vacated and the keys were never returned. Locks are safety features that deter intruders to help […]

The Birth of The Pearl

If you have ever wondered how a pearl is created, there are several methods. The natural pearl happens when some form of irritant, often a piece of sand, finds its way into an oyster, clam or mussel. To help protect the mollusc, a secretion is placed around the irritant. As layers build up around the […]

Different Pearl Treatments

Most people recognize the fact that cultured pearls are bleached and polished. Some are dyed or stained to bring out a better appearance and these treatments should be explained in determining the value of thee pearls. Unfortunately, not everyone will share this information and no standards appear to exist. One country that excels at the […]

How Pearls are classified

Several factors are considered in order to classify a pearl. These factors can include lustre, colour, shape, size, surface clarity, nacre thickness, and matching. Most of these factors can make a big difference in the final value of the organically grown gem. Depending on the part of the world that a pearl is grown or […]

Guide To Pearls and Power

Pearlshave been recognized as a beautiful gem for many thousands of years by people of all ages, backgrounds, and origins. Royalty has long considered most gems to be their right and some of the most beautiful pieces of jewellery in history would not be complete without the pearl. However, you might not realize the significance […]