More About the Author "debedwards"

Author Nick: debedwards
Name: Deborah Edwards
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Ideal Insurance for Baby Boomers

Is there such a thing as an ideal long term care insurance for baby boomers? Experts will tell you that you won’t find a single long term care insurance (LTCI) policy in the market that is ideal for all elderly people; each product can be compared with a special package intended for a specific individual […]

Baby Boomers and Obesity Issues

Stout kids are adorable. Most men consider women with a little flesh in their bodies sexier than the boney ones. Unfortunately, if this flesh starts to bulge or pop out in areas of the belly, arms, chin, thighs, and legs beware as this could be a sign that you are overweight. Obesity is a big […]

What we need to know about atrial fibrillation

One of the many heart problems that a person may have is the atrial fibrillation, also called A Fib. This is the most common type of cardiac arrythmia or abnormal heart rhythm that has something to do with the two upper chambers of the heart. The irregular and sometimes rapid heartbeat may be continuous or […]

Reasons why we need the help of an elder care specialist

We cannot change the fact that all of us will have to face old age and being weak, thus needing the help of those who are younger and much stronger. But in spite of knowing this, have we asked ourselves if we are really prepared and ready for this predicament? As early as now, it […]

Why home care agencies are considered a good option to receive LTC services

Some of us would prefer to stay at home most of the time because it is where we feel more comfortable and relaxed. But some adults, especially those who are old and do not have enough energy and may even be sickly, are forced to stay at a nursing home and adult day care facilities […]