More About the Author "debtadvicegroup"

Author Nick: debtadvicegroup
Name: Debt Advice Group
About the Author: The Debt Advice Group has been created to help people in serious debt get good, honest, impartial advice. It is an organisation having debt government specialist providing debt helpline and bankruptcy advice.

Articles by debtadvicegroup :

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The Cost of Raising Children

Personal debt can be caused by many different factors.  Many people manage their debt levels successfully over a period of time before the payments on loans, credit cards or other borrowed money rises to unmanageable levels.  This can be the result of external influences such as sudden ill health or injury, being made redundant, experiencing […]

How Sound Debt Advice Helped me Get Back on my Feet

No one who has found themselves deeply in debt gets out of the situation without seeking advice.  While many find it extremely difficult to ask for this type of help, the fact is that most of us are not aware of our options and are usually not thinking straight when a massive wall of debt […]

Reliable Debt Advice Helped me Get my Life Back

People who have never been deeply in debt and find themselves unable to honour their obligations have no idea how black the days can become.  The constant fear of answering the door or the phone in case a debt collector is lurking on the other end, as well as the worry of opening mail that […]

Getting Help with Debts with an IVA

In this day and age, it is not unusual for couples to need help with their debts.  Weakness in the economy, the loss of a job or even a prolonged illness can sometimes result in the need for some sort of debt help.  When this happens, it is important for couples to seek debt advice […]

What Exactly Is An IVA or Individual Voluntary Agreement

Many people are completely unaware of the Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA, until they have a need to deal with a debt load that is threatening to undermine their lives and create a high degree of distress in their personal finances.  For this reason, understanding exactly what this agreement is and what it entails is […]