More About the Author "dkadmin332"

Author Nick: dkadmin332

Articles by dkadmin332 :

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Bill Gates – McDonalds Employee of the Month

Today I asked myself what would have happened if Bill Gates would have taken some bad career advice and just gotten a job at McDonalds rather than starting Microsoft. I’m picturing Bill Gates wearing a McDonald’s uniform, including the stupid hat, standing behind the counter at McDonalds, ready to take your order with a smile. […]

Features vs. Solutions

There are two factors that will always, without question, separate the successful entrepreneurs from those who struggle. The first is that successful entrepreneurs understand the difference between features and solutions. The second is that they tend to ignore features and take action based on solutions. A feature is a prominent part or characteristic of something. […]

Economy Proof

Say of me what you will, but I never pay any attention to the news. While the world is busy talking of economic collapse, I remain almost oblivious to it. I learned long ago that the only time opportunities are in short supply is when the market is unchanging. As long as things are changing, […]

Internal Power – The True Entrepreneur

It always amazes me, looking back on my life as an entrepreneur, that I did my worst work when I was at the top of my game. That’s right; I also did my best when I was at my worst. Back then I thought that I was just lazy when I was comfortable, but the […]

Weak Economy Success Secrets

Being an entrepreneur is about living a few years of your life now in a way that most people wouldn’t, so that you can enjoy the rest of your life the way most people can’t. The most advantageous time for an entrepreneur to spend money is when no one else has any. You are about […]