More About the Author "EMMA"

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Name: EMMA Endeavor
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Articles by EMMA :

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Translation in a Global Context; Translation and World Literature

Following Moroccan writer and theorist Abdelkebir Katibi, Ungar reminds us that “all of us who study and teach literary translation are corporatists and even professional foreigners of sorts, in deed if not always by title”. Our classroom discussions of translations of texts from a variety of national and historical traditions led naturally into debates about […]

The Period When I Serve as the Eighth Editor of JCSD

During volume years 2004 through 2008, I was honored to serve as the eighth editor of the Journal of College Student Development (JCSD). One of the lessons I learned early on was that perhaps my most important task was to select and consult knowledgeable and dedicated editorial board members, who also serve as the principal […]

Translation and Globalization

With simultaneous interpretation and multilateral talks that simultaneously span continents and language groups, technology’s “linguistic marketplace” might appear to have silenced the demands and dangers of Babel. YouTube offers a subtitling service, and Google translates Web pages at the click of a mouse. Yet translation is far more than interpretation. Where interpretation makes its point […]

Communities of Scholarship and Practice

The evolution of research in the journal cannot be fully understood without an appreciation for the increasing sophistication of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. University statistical tests were widely used in the early descriptive studies published in the journal. However, as computers became commonplace and advanced statistical programs were accessible from virtually every desktop […]

Literary and Cultural Values and Their Sense of Their Reader’s Expectations

Damrosch likewise affirms that “comparing even brief passages can reveal a host of choices that different translators have made,” including, in particular, insight into their “literary and cultural values and their sense of their reader’s expectations”. Even without knowledge of the source language, “we can use translations to triangulate our way toward a better sense […]