More About the Author "giadragoi"

Author Nick: giadragoi
Name: Gia Dragoi
About the Author: I was born in Romania, raised in Miami, moved to Chicago a few years back. Love, love, love to photograph Weddings, but love nature/travel photos just as much. I take most of my photos in a photojournalistic way. I'm more interested in capturing the moment, rather than a fake smile. My dog is the subject of many of my pet photos. I don't like unpunctual people, "If you can't be on time, be early", as my professor used to say. I give it all I got in everything I do, especially Photography which happens to be my passion, my career, my life.

Articles by giadragoi :

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The best way to Reach Your Dream Wedding Very easily

Wedding Photography Advice When photographing a wedding, you have to be ready! Do not forget to bring additional batteries, memory cards and cleansing materials, for your camera. Feel up alternate photography areas, in case the weather goes negative. Attend the rehearsal, to ensure that you’ll possess a very good feeling for what will be happening […]