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Author Nick: H.jones
Name: harris jones

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excessive pain during menstruation | check helpful organic herbal remedies

Menstruation is the simple process of shedding the old uterine lining to make way for a new one. In other words, it’s the body’s way of sweeping out the cobwebs at the end of the month in preparation for the arrival of a new egg and a new cycle; all a part of the natural […]

organic herbal supplements are very useful in menopause

For most women, the process of menopause begins silently somewhere around age 40, when declining levels of estrogen and progesterone may cause menstruation to be less regular. The process also leads to other physical changes, such as reduced likelihood of pregnancy, onset of those proverbial “hot flashes,” and possible thinning of bones which could lead […]

Redness, inflammation of breast, can be mastitis | causes & symptoms

There are normally two types of Mastitis one is puerperal mastitis and another one is nonpuerperal mastitis occurs in pregnancy, during lactation or weaning. It is due to blocked milk or excess milk whereas non puerperal mastitis is not related to these situations If a plugged duct is not taken care of, mastitis can result. […]

Leucorrhea-white discharge? Cure this with herbal remedies

What is leucorrhea? Leukorrhea is one of the most common causes of referral to primary care or gynecology clinics. It is seen especially in reproductive ages, sexually active women and those with poor genital hygiene. Leukorrhea may occur at any time, there are times when its presence should be viewed as potentially problematic. When the […]

Gonorrhea (sexual transmitted disease ) cure with herbal organic remedies

Sexual transmitted disease (Gonorrhea) Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The bacteria can be passed from one person to another through vaginal, oral, or anal sex, even when the person who is infected has no symptoms. Gonorrhea can happen in both men and women. Pregnant woman with gonorrhea may […]