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Samsung Mobile: Mobile technology from the Pioneers

The digital age along with the innovations and advancements in the telecommunication industry, have provided opportunities for a global business.  With business houses spreading out beyond geographical boundaries, mobility has become vital in today’s technologically competitive world.   Advanced technologies, competitive products and constant innovations have made it feasible for major players of the electronics industry […]

A Well-Orchestrated Business Process Reveals Divine Manifestations

A plethora of choices have instigated the customers’ hunger for more products. This has led to rapid proliferation of retail stores that endeavor to cater to every age group and satisfy each individual’s need. However the retail store operations are massive projects that do not have sufficient and efficient IT processes and infrastructure. The business […]

Send Gifts to India and Bring Smile on the Face of Loved Ones

Family is defined as “the group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society. “ But these words do not entirely sum up the true essence of family. Family is the most imperative unit that helps to develop the overall personality of any person within […]

Compliance Issues to keep in Mind while Expanding your Business to Brazil

Brazil today is proving itself able to face turbulences and global financial crisis soundly and, as a result, is gaining increased attention from international media and global investors. After India, China, Indonesia and the U.S.A., Brazil represents the fifth largest market opportunity in the world. Recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports indicate that Brazil leads […]

Role of Marketing Automation in Lead Generation

In our highly digitized world, websites play a very important role. Websites are a company’s virtual home in the virtual world since they house all information on the company, welcome visitors, make them comfortable and make an attempt at befriending them and understanding what they want. Companies spend a lot of money to make their […]