More About the Author "janesmith"

Author Nick: janesmith
Name: jane smith
About the Author: SEO

Articles by janesmith :

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Search Engine Optimization: Sneak peek

The internet is growing rapidly despite the small fraction of people who are versed with using computers and internet related education. In this ocean of websites, a strong and perennial requirement for prioritization and visibility holds paramount significance. Other than commercial reasons for the same, it also goes at length in aiding the browser who […]

WordPress Website Development: Overview

The internet fraternity is one where educated mindsets mingle on a common podium and exchange their solicited opinions on a variety of topics with great insight. In the last couple of years, the culture of wordpress website development or blogging specially (on personalized web accounts with added freebies like video chats and image sharing) has […]

Iphone Game development – Tips

Iphones are the new trend in the market of mobiles and are increasingly being purchased by people across the world. Not only these companies are also coming up with upgraded versions and we have better Iphones than before. What is a phone if it does not have the ultimate gaming options available? Remember a phone […]

PHP Website Development – A Study

PHP basically is a kind of language meant for scripting from the side of the server. It was designed as a PHP website development in order to produce web pages which were dynamic. PHP because of this reason is often found embedded with the HTML document and can be interpreted using a processor module, available […]

WordPress development: Insight

You have decided to develop you very own website for professional growth or for personal purposes? In this case, it may be that a concern bothers you-chiefly- whether it would be appropriate to choose a particular platform for efficient marketing and content management. Since the presentation or layout is a factor in the success that […]