More About the Author "leemckenna"

Author Nick: leemckenna
Name: Lee McKenna
About the Author: Lee McKenna has been in the making soap business for over 15 years and is an expert in making soap. To learn more about the How to make soap method and read some of Lee McKenna’s unique and original recipes, click here to visit his website:

Articles by leemckenna :

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More than one way to make soap

Soap is the most important invention of the world. It not just retains the bacteria away from hands and body, but also delivers a fresh sensation to the individual. The uses of soap depend largely upon its ingredients. Some soap is used for cleaning and washing of clothing, while some are used for bathing purposes. […]

How do you make natural soap

Have you ever wandered why everything now days is loaded with harsh chemicals? More importantly, have you stopped to think about how these chemicals effect your family? Take time to remember the good old days, when things were actually made from earth offered ingredients. The natural was more well beingful then. It still is today. […]

How you can make cleaning soap

There was a motion recently to make an effort for getting straight back to core, without sacrificing many of the great things of living. Here is an example, people desire to save electrical energy, try not to take some time to go away each of the lights at your residence. Or alternatively a lot of […]