More About the Author "lisaspenser"

Author Nick: lisaspenser

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Personal Goals And Objectives

It imperative that everyone identifies goals and objectives that will assist in the improvement of one’s own self. Self improvement is not a rigid and blinkered science. There are many ingredients that can be blended to produce a large variety of self improvement dishes.

History Of Battery

An electrical battery is an amalgamation of single or more electronic cells, which is used to convert the hoarded energy into electrical energy. After the first invention of Voltaic pile in the year 1800 by Volta Alessandro, batteries have become the major power source for many industrial applications and household

Religious Experience as Spiritual Experience

Religious experience is also refereed to as spiritual experience or mystical experience. It is commonly referred to as uncommon occurrence or happening because it does not fit in the normal day to day activities of human being. This experience is connected with individual divine perception. The religious experiences are felt beyond the spheres of normal consciousness

The Maya Of Yucatan

The Maya of Yucatan: The Mayans seemed to have entered Yucatan from the west led by their son-god hero ( Itzamna). This immigration originated from the far-east beyond the ocean along what is mythically believed through the waters. The second migration was led by Kukulcan , a priest and teacher who founded the Mayan kingdom and civilization.

Coming Of Age In Mississippi

Fortunately, the times of racial inequality had passed and belong to history now. However, the lesson should be drawn from those not so distant events to prevent any similar discrimination on the basis of race, religion, etc. The books like Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi help us learn this lesson.