More About the Author "mbtfootwear"

Author Nick: mbtfootwear
Name: alma lin
About the Author: the shoes

Articles by mbtfootwear :

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How to look at the stock market bubble

China’s stock market exists the inherent disadvantages and it has emerged, makes the big defects in China’s stock market become China economy operation serious dissonant most centralized embodiment. In such a market established on the basis of market economy, the economic system in this market established on the basis of the whole country and harmonious […]

concentration of contradictions and problems venues

1, the stock markets without resources optimization allocation function and only degradation function. Profit can’t become market soul, competition can’t become dominant mechanism, elements cannot be integrated object, in resource allocation patchy, combination and integration three ways, only to be integrated chemical changes, just have produced the connotation of the quality improvement and ascension of […]

Three is growth phenomenon

Three is growth phenomenon. Because of China’s stock market internal institutional defects, market in long period of time can’t play weatherglass function, but became national economic operation of the reverse index. China’s GDP grew by 9% in an average of the rapid development of China’s stock market is in for four and a half years […]

this round of a bull market

The third sentence, this round of a bull market is the most durable bull market. This round of the bull market, not a simple process, and the hype with China’s economy and the development of world economy condition is interlinked with. In this process, the RMB appreciation market space, which opened the non-tradable share reform […]

The stock market crash around the world

The world market for the cycle of China’s stock market tumbled, all the fault of the evil. The stock market crash around the world, fail to also won’t evolve further for the whole world financial crisis, I think there are three main factors: 1. The world economy especially two countries and the United States in […]