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This situation similar among early tang dynasty

This situation similar among early tang dynasty, and appeared a localization process. Local poets, to travel into local poetry group, moans wine, mutual contested spring-and-autumn, external communication, fully enjoy life and expressed, creating. The first big early tang dynasty poet meng haoran is a place, then by he began poet, local groups through competition, poetry […]

He from the most subtle things

From the title, he began to send force, “god coming of the station”. “God” word led, let people born longing. “Station” fell tail, will sway up quickly readers mind frame. For example, when people run up a sound suddenly shouted, “run” stand feet stand together, the body who will inertia to push. Enter poetry conversely. […]

The second thing with two sentences

“Me?” a turn, poetry, on the theme, but straight cut express extremely abstemious. “Only” the word is very important, is behind the poem setters. Three things, the first thing with 1: “take a set of cloud photo album”. “Photo” 2 words will not only, more with mbt shoes uk clouds cloud personification of natural stance and […]

music education is to another please

social thinking. The former mainly includes the former in nature in cultivate one’s morality raises a gender “, “grass-roots and the 21st century poetry”, “< > ZiXu the grass-roots culture” and “ZhengXiaoQiong: multiple meanings as a poet” and many other articles; The latter is mainly including the people’s desire what size is it?” , “Indian […]

in true with the host crisscross of colorful

55. LiShaoJun “grass” speech from a fight against the consciousness -. His idle light poetry, of silly from secular opposition, this is intended for writing strategy with clear objectives, or said the poetic orientation. Traditional, rural, religious consciousness, in his work with the duality of life, a heavy interests, one kind is mbt footwear survival of […]