More About the Author "nedox"

Author Nick: nedox
Name: nedo bajra
About the Author: vps hosting || windows vps-my vps hosting choice

Articles by nedox :

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Making a Decision about Your Hosting Plan

Hosting is a part of your website where the file is stored on the live website servers, so anyone can open web pages and view data. Hosting includes a number of technicalities and it becomes necessary to understand each and every aspect of hosting, so you can buy the very best hosting plan for your […]

Basic types of Web hosting services

1. Shared hosting = large number of sites share resource of one server on the Internet (memory RAM, CPU). This is the most common form of Web hosting service. Advantages: Lowest-hosting service, (usually) good-performance. Small and medium site’s on the high-end server-in.-Backup, Security and integrity of the system provides the ISP provides more than 99% […]

Cloud VS Dedicated hosting

When it comes to companies that perform the vast majority, if not entirely their business online, there are two main alternatives for investing in and setting up a server. For companies that are already stable, dedicated hosting will probably be a choice that makes more sense. However, the newer companies that are still in the […]

ASP.NET Web Services

With the ASP.NET Framework, Microsoft has created an ISAPI application that enables the functionality of IIS to be extended using the .NET Framework. We examined a number of ways this is done within the Framework Class Library. In addition to serving requests for Web Forms, the ASP.NET Framework also acts as the .NET SOAP Stack. […]

Flash As Game Development Tool

Traditional game developers sometimes try to fight Flash’s nature when they first make the transition, but often the best way to get the desired result out of Flash is to play to its strengths. Take, for example, a character in a game you want to animate depending on its state (idle, running, jumping, etc.). An […]