More About the Author "Sandra Thompson"

Author Nick: Sandra
Name: Sandra Thompson
About the Author: Porteck offers Software as a Service to US healthcare providers, payers, and healthcare technology companies. Our Software based business process solutions are designed to increase process efficiencies, improve quality, and significantly reduce operating expenses for our clients.

Articles by Sandra Thompson :

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Features and Advantages of Healthcare Software Solutions

Healthcare management services assist a healthcare service provider in managing a portfolio of different systems through efficient software. Thanks to the IT revolution, healthcare providers can take advantage of software solutions for ease in managing patient reports, databases and medical bills. So, what are the other benefits of healthcare software solutions to healthcare providers? Well, […]

Healthcare Software As A Service – A Brief

Software as a Service (SAAS) is a new concept in the healthcare industry. Healthcare Software as a Service provides clinical software solutions for large and small healthcare units with an intention to manage the entire data of patient referrals and medication management. It is widely accepted that the healthcare industry needs to manage a huge […]

Know about the Best Solution for Healthcare

Some of the biggest problems related to healthcare have now been resolved due to excellent healthcare software solutions that have now been made available. One of these problems used to be that in medical bills. These bills used to be voluminous and recording as well as retrieval used to be nightmarish. The result was in […]

Healthcare Software Services – Facilitating Smooth Functioning of Health

Healthcare institutions, such as hospitals and clinics, face tough challenges in managing bills, patient records, insurance authorization requests and transcriptions. With the current developments in technology, such challenges are a thing of the past, thanks to healthcare software services. These organizations offer the most efficient management systems that ensure smooth management in patient care, and […]

Software for Managing Tasks of Healthcare Centers

What are the normal problems that were faced by the users at healthcare centers such as the physician’s office and diagnostic centers? Essentially in the times gone by, all the work used to be done using pen and paper. This was a back-breaking job to begin with. Then, there were several errors that would take […]