More About the Author "pradeepqpt"

Author Nick: pradeepqpt
Name: pradeep qpt
About the Author: pradeep works in Quality point Technologies a innovative software development company and this company is the one that developed a highly efficient web based Timesheet and many other challenging projects

Articles by pradeepqpt :

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Writing Good Test Cases and Finding Bugs effectively

To develop bug free software application, writing good test cases is essential.Here, we will see how to write good test cases. Before seeing this, we should understand what is Good Test Case.There won’t be any solid definition for “Good Test Case”. I will consider a Test Case as “Good” only when a Tester feels happy […]

10 ways on how you should use social media for your business

Social networking sites like Facebook , Twitter were initially tagged as a sites to connect with your friends and family but this barrier has been broken these social networking sites have become a part of corporate promotion and client building. These social networking sites have become and ideal place to build business relationship and get […]

Find a Job Using Social Media

Just like water , shelter and food Social media has been added to the above 3 – essentials to survive ! . Such has been the influence of social media in today’s lifestyle , And many corporate processes have been using this social media to get an edge over their competitors , and they have […]

Organisation and Timesheet

Timesheet has been used by humans for hundreds of years in many format just to keep track of the work done by them and also to make sure that the time they spend on a work is well with in control . In modern days it has extended to industries too . Even though the […]

Social networking should be a part of your business.

Social networking has taken the whole world by storm . Just few couple of years back very few knew the benefits and purpose of owning a website but soon things changed and every one started to realize the purpose of having a personal website and today business websites have become a very common one. And […]