More About the Author "ratnesh"

Author Nick: ratnesh

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Wine labels are a work of art!

Reading a wine label is not just any man’s fare. Not everyone can just pick up a bottle of red wine or white wine or a rose and read the label off the way a wine lover, connoisseur or sommelier would. Reading a wine label is a very important part of wine drinking and you […]

Social Media Marketing- A Steep Rise

Facebook is an online social media tool that has become a chapter in the books of every marketing professional of today. It is a one shot platform that gives you access to more than 500 million people of varied interests and choices. Facebook was created by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg back in 2004 as an […]

Effective Man and Van London Service

Moving a house is not easy in a city like London especially with all the traffic and work pressures involved. To top it all you need, on an average, at least 7 days for a decent move and another 7 days to resettle in your new home. Add to that packing boxes, making lists, getting […]

Move with Ease in London

Moving? Really??? Where??? And how??? Have you taken leave?? Are the kids settled in for the day?? These are some of the reactions that you will get when friends and family hear you are moving! In fact, the elders who would have moved a lot in their own times, may also offer to pray for […]

Office Removals in London

House removals and office removals in London are not an easy task. London is a big city full of traffic and zebra crossing for pedestrians and stop lights at every corner. All this may be excellent for daily driving but when you want to shift your home or office by car and know you will […]