More About the Author "redninja"

Author Nick: redninja
Name: Paul larson
About the Author: Fitness fanatic and nutritional expert amongst other things

Articles by redninja :

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Xtreme NO – Building Muscle

NO is a Nitric Oxide booster supplement. Nitric Oxide is naturally found in the body. It is a free radical and plays a role in a number of biological processes. One of its chief functions is increasing blood flow. It is because of this that it has become very popular amongst body-builders and other athletes. […]

Gluten Intolerance – What Exactly Is Gluten Intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is an umbrella for celiac disease, gluten allergy and gluten sensitivity. It is not the same thing as wheat allergy or gluten sensitivity, neither of which is an autoimmune disorder, but is really a sensitivity to gluten in wheat and wheat items which effects a substantial number of individuals. Gluten intolerance is an […]

Does Proactiv Solution acne treatment work?

As someone who has suffered with acne most of my life I decided to write this review to help people in a similar situation. I’ve tried almost every treatment out there so I feel qualified to give my opinion. What is Proactiv? Proactiv is a 3 step treatment – a cleanser, a toner and a […]

Why Whey Protein Powder Has Become So Popular

Protein powders are generally consumed immediately after exercising or in place of a meal and often last thing at night on a training day – this is because most muscle growth happens when we are asleep so it is good to get a supply of protein in the body just before bed. They are also […]

Tower 200 – Can The Tower 200 Home Gym Live Up To The Hype?

There has been a lot of hype recently about the Tower 200 System. Everywhere you look you can see it being advertised with Randy “The Natural” Couture showing you how it’s done. So the big question is, “Is it worth the Hype?” What Is It? The Tower 200 by Body by Jake is a home […]