More About the Author "revcord01"

Author Nick: revcord01
Name: Camsy Kris
About the Author: Camsy Kris has been involved in various functions realted to voice recording and data security for the past 3 decades. He writes about the changing trends in the industry, and how entrepreneurs can leverage voice solutions to succeed.

Articles by revcord01 :

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Voice Recorder is a viable recording system

Voice recorder is not invented recently. It is a revolutionary invention of the age. Without the invention of the voice recording system, lots of inventions and service related to it would not be possible. From the previous days, the recorder system has been improved a lot. It is found in all the vital fields in […]

Call Recording much appreciated among many BPO houses

The call recording machine is not a recent invention. It has been invented long years ago. But the machine was not so improved that we get presently. It is a revolutionary invention now. If it is not invented, a lot of improvements in different fields were hampered. It is a form of voice recorder. There […]

Call recording can give you a transparent voice recording

Call recording is the finest invention of the age. If it would not be invented, innumerable invention and lots of business process would not be possible. It is invented in earlier age. The system then was named by voice recorder system. A type of devices are used to record calls is called call recorder machine. […]

Voice Recorder can sort out many recording issues

Voice recorder is not a recent invention. It is invented lots of years ago. Previously, it was not so improved. Voice recorder is an instrument that is used for recording voice of all kinds in all purposes. For this reason we have got a lot of types of voice recorder system. The use of this […]

Call recording – Truly a fabulous marketing tool!

If you are a businessmen and looking for a beneficial marketing tool then you need not to go anywhere else other than call recording systems. There are a number of benefits of using phone recording systems. With the help of these systems businessmen can easily record information and categorize it as per their convenience. Generally, […]