More About the Author "ricardgreen"

Author Nick: ricardgreen

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Stop smoking book review

To attract some one to the path of quit smoking is not an easy job. When a human get addicted to some habit, it is very difficult for him to break it. There are many methods available for people to quit smoking and one of them the very famous one is the Allen Carr book […]

Nook Colour Review. What is best the nook, kindle or ipad?

Screen The screen is nice and bright. Touch screen is very responsive and reacts quickly, even more responsive than my Droid. I took it to thanksgiving and read outside and the screen is easy to read outdoors. Interface The home screen interface leaves a little to be desired but functions well. You can save books, […]

The Galaxy eReader tablet PC. Better than a ipad and kindle?

I have been reading reviews for several days and can’t find usable information. Regardless of what tablet I look at, there are so many reviews that contradict each other. One person says the device is junk and the next one says it is the best available. I have been looking at mostly low end tablets […]

Which is the best ereader the kindle or ipad?

As I have both and both were purchased here in Thailand I thought I might share my thoughts on these two very different pieces of technology. Being a keen reader and often frustrated by the lack of English books available in Thailand I’ve been toying with getting an electronic reader for some time. I was […]

Publishing your own books and ebooks

One of the most important steps in self publishing is to ensure that your work is protected. You don’t want anyone to come along and reproduce your ebook and sell it for their own gain. For this reason you need to have a PDF file that is security enabled that won’t allow people to copy, […]